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Building the Flywheel that Unites Sales and Marketing

A systematic breakdown occurs in every business around the world. Sales vs Marketing. Tale as old as time. Sales needs more leads. Better ones. More qualified ones. Marketing creates ads. Serves up content. Delivers impressions. Whether it is two people or two departments, they speak different languages. Each has a different view on what success looks like.

But what if they spoke the same language? What if they were united in their approach? What if they agreed on not only what success looked like but how to achieve it? What if, together, they built an engine that was constantly turning out qualified leads and converting those leads to profit? And what if, this engine was focused entirely on the customer’s experience?

Flywheels are rotating mechanical devices designed to store and release kinetic energy. How much energy a flywheel contains depends on three things:

  1. How fast you spin it.
  2. How much friction there is.
  3. How big it is.

Customers are your driving force. So thinking about your business, everything your sales team and marketing team (and everyone else in your company) is doing should be focused on your customer – adding energy to your flywheel with every action they take. You have a great product and your customers love it. Your marketing team is doing a lot to communicate your brand and your content to a lot of potential customers. Your sales team has a great process and can effectively close the deal to a qualified lead. The friction in most business’ flywheels is where sales and marketing meet. Bringing those two teams into alignment means that you can spin your flywheel faster and grow it in size.

Flywheel Kinetics is a consulting agency that helps your company put your customer in the center of it all. Work with us to map out your customer’s journey and reduce the points of friction. Let us help you get your sales and marketing teams on the same page, speaking the same language and working towards the same results. From the first marketing asset your customer comes into contact with to the testimonial from a glowing evangelist, we will work with you to strategically plan out each step in the journey to ensure your team is ready deliver for your customer.